Bible Study Hour
Bible Study Hour – 6th December 2022
At present we are passing through some challenging times. I sue the word passing through because this means we living hope, when hope fails we end up discouraged. As the bills pile high and thee is no political. or financial quick fix. how can we rise from discouragement. the song writer says Jesus is the answer, King David left us with examples when all around him seems loss and his country men turned against him he had one solution. The scripture said he encouraged himself in the Lord. join me as we find out how to encourage ourselves in the Lord
Bible Texts:
Bible Study
Hosted by: Vevine Braddy-Reid
Aired: Tuesday 6 December 2022 2pm-3pm
Bible Study Hour – 29th November 2022
everyone loves a bargain all inclusive deals are usually seem as a bargain of all bargains as you can all you wish at a bargain price.
God's all inclusive plan goes far beyond and exceeds all earthly inclusive deal. it comes with no anxiety which means even when things goes wrong you can have peace with this deal. I don’t fully understand this all inclusive legacy that’s for all who believe it’s a legacy a gift for as long as you want it for including eternity. The deal is open to all it comes without money and without price, please apply you will be accepted.
Bible Texts:
Bible Study
Hosted by: Vevine Braddy-Reid
Aired: Tuesday 29 November 2022 2pm-3pm
Bible Study Hour – 22nd November 2022
any master building will tell you that building on the right foundation is crucial if your house is to remain upright.
Jesus tells the parable explaining three different types of foundation but only one type of foundation will secure you for eternity. Join me as we explored different foundation let's see if you are building on the securest foundation that will last you into the future? i
What kind of foundation is the historic building the leaning Tower of Pisa is built on to was it built to lean?
Bible Texts:
Bible Study
Hosted by: Vevine Braddy-Reid
Aired: Tuesday 22 November 2022 2pm-3pm
Bible Study Hour – 15th November 2022
What is The Spirit of Discernment? How do we get it ? how important is this in the times we are living in. join me as we search the scripture to find answers
Bible Texts:
Bible Study
Hosted by: Vevine Braddy-Reid
Aired: Tuesday 15 November 2022 2pm-3pm
Bible Study Hour – 8th November 2022
we will be searching the scripture to fin : How do we forgive those who offend us especially those repeat offenders? is it easy to forgive? How many times should we forgive is 7 the perfect number to stop at? How many times as Jesus forgiven us? are we repeat offenders? Should we be happy and celebrate when those who offend us get what's coming to them? what dose the Bible say on these important matters. Join me as we explore this very important issue. is it true that un- forgiveness can affect our mental and physical well being!
Bible Texts:
Bible Study
Hosted by: Vevine Braddy-Reid
Aired: Tuesday 8 November 2022 2pm-3pm
Bible Study Hour – 1st November 2022
This insightful psalm was made popular by the late Bob Marley. This is a Psalms that should make us sit up and take notice. it talks about the lingering consequences and out come of the choices we make. Jeremiah is called the weeping prophet as he repeatedly agonized, warned, pleaded and begged God's people to go down the path of obedience. The results of their disobedience is highlighted in this Psalms join me as we see what lessons we can learn from short Psalms 137.
Bible Texts:
Bible Study
Hosted by: Vevine Braddy-Reid
Aired: Tuesday 1 November 2022 2pm-3pm
Bible Study Hour – 25th October 2022
is Halloween a treat or have we been tricked? are you aware of the dark spiritual history of Halloween? just where did this all originate and where is it leading us? is the bonfire just for roasting (spuds) potatoes. lets find out what does Genesis 3:2-4 has to do with Halloween. join me for this Halloween special lets search the Bible to see if it's all harmless fun
Bible Texts:
Bible Study
Hosted by: Vevine Braddy-Reid
Aired: Tuesday 25 October 2022 2pm-3pm
Bible Study Hour – 18th October 2022
How does God Speak to Us? Does drawing near to God help us to discern His voice, Does all the different noises around us make it difficult to discern when God is speaking to us? lets find out if that voice shouting above the dim necessarily God's voice, are we so loud that we can't discern God's voice do we need to be still? join me as we explore how we can discern God's voice from that of the enemy.
Bible Texts:
Bible Study
Hosted by: Vevine Braddy-Reid
Aired: Tuesday 18 October 2022 2pm-3pm
Bible Study Hour – 11th October 2022
Have you witnessed repeated defeats in your efforts to battle through life challenges? you are not alone through the ages these battles keep coming. God has left us the blue print of how we can be more than conqueror's,. God has not left us alone to get on with it. join me as we see what God has prepared for us His children. let's see how feeble men become mighty warriors? how were giants humbled. is it by might and power? join me as we explore the scripture to make us battle ready.
Bible Texts:
Bible Study
Hosted by: Vevine Braddy-Reid
Aired: Tuesday 11 October 2022 2pm-3pm