Death is a fascinating element in all religions. In biblical Christianity, death has two connotations. On one hand, death is the result of, and punishment for, sin. On the other hand, our life with God starts with death−death to sin. Only when we experience this death to sin can we fully enjoy life in God’s kingdom. Death to sin leads to overcoming and confronting the death that is the result of sin. But both events are possible because of Christ’s death for us.
Lesson Themes: This week’s lesson highlights two major themes.
1. Death to sin sets the framework for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit Himself personally implements the transformation of our characters unto the image of Jesus Christ and empowers us to live lives of sacrificial service and obedience to God.
2. If we do not experience death to sin, we will continue a life of self-centredness and self-service, a life of sin that, in fact, leads to death.
Panel: L McDonald, C Ferguson, B Brown, M Larman
Bible Texts:
It's Biblical
Hosted by: Lorraine McDonald
Aired: Saturday 17 September 2022 9am-11am
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