In this weeks discussion we now pick up on the continued family history of Isaac, the miracle child and early ancestor of the promised Seed. The story doesn’t start out particularly well, however. The flawed character of his son Jacob will be manifested in the rivalry between the two brothers over the birthright (Gen. 25:27–34) and consequently over the right to obtain the blessing of Isaac (Genesis 27).
Because Jacob deceives his father and steals the blessing from his older brother, he will have to flee for his life. In exile, God confronts him at Bethel (Gen. 28:10–22). From then on Jacob, the deceiver, will experience some deception himself. Instead of Rachel, whom Jacob loves (Genesis 29), Leah, the older daughter, will be given to Jacob, and he will have to work 14 years to earn his wives.
Yet, Jacob also will experience God’s blessing, for in exile he will have 11 of his sons, and God will increase his wealth.
Thus, whatever else we can see in this story, we can see how God will fulfill His covenant promises, one way or another, regardless of how often His people fail.
Bible Texts:
It's Biblical
Hosted by: Mark Larman
Aired: Saturday 28 May 2022 9am-11am
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