Besides tithing, there are offerings that come from the 90 percent that remains in our possession after our tithe is returned to God. This is where generosity begins. Different types of offerings were given by God’s people, such as sin offerings, given in response to God’s grace, or thank offerings, given to recognize God’s protection, and blessings of health, prosperity, and sustaining power. There also were offerings for the poor and offerings to build and maintain the house of worship.
When we consider the magnitude of God’s gifts to us, we then begin to see our giving as more than just paving the parking lot or buying choir robes. We bring our gifts in response to what God has done for us, especially in the sacrifice of Jesus. “We love Him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19, NKJV). The church, then, whether it be local, conference, or worldwide, uses our gifts to advance the cause of God.
This week we will review what the Bible has to say about offerings as part of our management of God’s business on the earth.
Panel: Lorraine McDonald, Des Marasha, Beverley Brown
Bible Texts:
It's Biblical
Hosted by: Lorraine McDonald
Aired: Saturday 28 January 2023 9am-11am
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