The old covenant was given on the basis of the Levitical priesthood. As part of this agreement, the Levites alone acted as mediators between God and the Israelites. The book of Hebrews, however, talks about how Jesus has been appointed High Priest, according to the order of Melchizedek. Furthermore, Paul recalls the fact that Jesus is not from the tribe of Levi (Hebrew 7:14). Rather, He is from the tribe of Judah. Thus, according to the laws of the Levitical priesthood, He was not eligible to serve as a priest. Yet, He was appointed High Priest by God Himself: “ ‘You are a priest forever’ ” (Hebrew 7:21, NRSV).
One might legitimately inquire how someone from the tribe of Judah could become priest, given the Levitical restrictions. Only Levites were supposed to serve at the temple. Logically, a change would need to take place first. Paul makes the point that such a change in the priesthood would necessitate a corresponding change in the laws of the priesthood (Hebrew 7:12). The change in the laws of the priesthood, in turn, would lead to a change of the covenant. The first covenant was with the Levites and the second with Christ. Why the complete change? The lesson makes the point clear that the old covenant could not cleanse the conscience from sins (Heb. 10:4; Heb. 9:14), which cleansing is the righteousness of Christ given to us. Those animal sacrifices pointed forward to Christ, the true “ ‘Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’ ” (John 1:29, NRSV). With this new covenant also comes not just an Arbiter, a Negotiator, or a Witness, but a Guarantor who assures that the covenant promises will be fulfilled. Further, in this new covenant, the laws will be
internalized within people as God writes “them on their hearts” (Hebrew 8:10, NRSV).
Panel: Lorraine McDonald, Beverley Brown, Clive Ferguson, Mark Larman
Bible Texts:
It's Biblical
Hosted by: Lorraine McDonald
Aired: Saturday 19 February 2022 9am-11am
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