This section takes us to the climax of Abraham’s religious journey: the sacrifice of Isaac. This sacrifice is the “test” of Abraham’s faith. This intriguing event marks the center of the structure of the book
of Genesis, a literary device utilized to alert the reader to the chapter’s importance. A number of questions will be explored: What is the meaning of this test? Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son in contradiction to His promise? How will God provide? Why did the sacrifice change from Isaac to the expectation of a lamb and finally to the ram? What is the theological and prophetic significance of the failed sacrifice? After this dramatic incident, no significant event happens in Abraham’s life. The next major story is Isaac’s marriage to Rebekah. Then Abraham marries
Keturah and eventually dies “well advanced in age.”
Panel: Lorraine McDonald, Beverley Brown, Mark Larman, Clive Ferguson
Bible Texts:
It's Biblical
Hosted by: Lorraine McDonald
Aired: Saturday 21 May 2022 9am-11am
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