Have you ever wondered why we do not see miraculous healings more often today? Discover the answer to this and many other questions about healing.
Our two primary studies will be: the New Testament story of the healing of the paralytic and the Old Testament story of Elijah. Although these stories took place in vastly different times and places and under different circumstances, they complement each other. They give us a more complete picture of divine healing than if either story were studied alone.
In the healing of the paralytic, Jesus creates a controversy by declaring that the man’s sins are forgiven before healing his physical disease. This is an intentional act by Christ. This man’s sickness of soul was greater than the affliction of his body. He was suffering under a load of guilt and shame because of his past sinful lifestyle. If Christ had healed only his body, the healing would have been incomplete. Elijah, on the other hand, was a committed servant of God. He had faithfully witnessed for his Lord during a time of Israel’s deep apostasy. After slaying the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, he was exhausted, and under the threats from Jezebel to take his life, he became discouraged. God met him where he was and ministered to his needs.
Panel members: Lorraine McDonald, Clive Ferguson, Beverley Brown, Mark Larman
Bible Texts:
It's Biblical
Hosted by: Lorraine McDonald
Aired: Saturday 21 August 2021 9am-11am
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