The story of God rewriting His law on new tables is a story of God’s grace and patient love for Israel. In ancient times, when a covenant was broken, the renewal of the covenant involved the preparation of new treaty documents. It is against the backdrop of the shameful event of
Horeb that Moses urges Israel to renew its covenant and to prepare a new oath of allegiance in which God’s requirement for His people is specified. These verses bring together various themes around the principle of love, namely, love for the Lord (the first commandment), love as a
response to God’s love and forgiveness, love for one’s neighbor, and more specifically love for the stranger (the second commandment), because God loved him or her.
Panel: Lorraine McDonald, Jeffrey Nicholson, Michael Baker
Bible Texts:
It's Biblical
Hosted by: Lorraine McDonald
Aired: Saturday 30 October 2021 9am-11am
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